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As part of GBDA 201, working as a group, our goal was to create a 3-10min long documentary.


Role: Narrator, Research, Audio recorder



Our group brainstormed ideas for a documentary topic and decided to explore the Doon Mill Ruins which was rumored to be haunted. We then came up with a synopsis, characters, scenes we planned to shoot, and the style of the documentary we were going for. We also created a timeline to help us stay on schedule and be prepared. I was in charge of recording audio for the interview and all other sounds like footsteps, wind, water, bushes rustling, etc. I was also in charge of being the narrator where I did a voice-over on the video. 



The video was a great learning experience of all the different video processes required for filming a documentary. This experiential learning helped develop the collaborative and overall planning skills needed to ensure everyone is on the same page and working in sync to complete the project.


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